Early release dates Nov. 13th and 20th


Volleyball tonight against Charlotte!

Congratulations to TRHS alumnus and future sailor, Christopher Rodriguez. He enlisted in the United States Navy as a machinist mate. Christopher leaves for basic training this week.
Thank you, Christopher for making us TR proud and serving our country!🇺🇸

Congratulations to TRHS alumna and future solider, Private Madicella Camacho. She enlisted in the United States Army Reserves, as an Human Resource Specialist (42). Madicella leaves for Basic Combat Training next week.
Thank you, Madicella for making us TR proud and serving our country!

Our hotspots have arrived! Have you picked up yours yet?

Reminder: Blood Drive is scheduled for this Thursday from 9am-2pm. Please call 786-3603 ext. 401 to schedule an appointment.

Congratulations to Buddy Orsak on his retirement with 36 years of service. He received his plaque at The TRISD Convocation this morning. Enjoy your retirement, Buddy!!

Attention TRHS Dual Credit Students:
Audra Huff invites you to '2020-21 Dual Enrollment' group on BAND. Come join now!
Open this invite link below on your iPhone, Android, or desktop.
BAND, the App for Groups

As a courtesy to our community, Three Rivers ISD would like to report that a second employee tested positive for COVID yesterday. Another employee who had direct contact with this individual is now in quarantine. There was no contact with students. Contact tracing has been performed. Faculty and staff have been notified as required by law.

We wanted to provide our Three Rivers ISD community with the latest plans on returning to school on August 17th, 2020. Parents will have a choice to either send their children to school each day or have their children learn at home through remote instruction. This plan could change with TEA guidance in the coming weeks with Covid. If you need to speak with me personally, my number is (361)522-9681. Thank you.
Les Dragon, Superintendent

Congratulations to Kailey Webb on receiving The Congressman Vicente Gonzalez Graduation Award.
Kailey, your dedication is inspiring. We wish you the best for your future and congratulate you on this well deserved award.
Gig ‘em!! 👍🏼

Good afternoon, students!