Back to Trunk or Treat at Elementary...
We found two characters from Monsters Inc! Way to go Cindy and Dr. Scott! Pic #2 is Angelia and Valerie doing their thing on Halloween!
More Elementary Trunk or Treat! We are extremely grateful to all of our local businesses and organizations that showed up FOR OUR KIDS! It means a great deal!
Sub-Varsity Games today... JH-5:00pm @ Santa Maria
JV-5:30 PM @Home vs Corpus Christi Veterans Memorial
Scenes from the Elementary's "Trunk or Treat!"
Vote for our very own Cody Sells-2A QB of the Year!
Part IV coming at you...
Scene #3...
Here comes the HOCO Parade!
Scenes from this evening's Homecoming parade...
The wind is blowing about 16 mph towards town. In the name of safety and to protect our residents, we will reschedule the burning of the bon fire. We hope everyone can understand. Thank you for participating in our parade! Go Bulldogs!
The bon fire is still on! Remember it has been moved to near the old tennis courts down Tips Street (past the school housing units).
Ms. Osborne’s Science class hydro-dipping and spray painting spirit shakers for HOCO 2024!
Spirit shakers will be sold for $5 at the Homecoming Football Game only. Go Bulldogs!! 🐾🏈🐾
We are working with the Three Rivers Volunteer Fire Department on this evening's Homecoming Parade and Bon Fire. At the moment, we are carefully monitoring the winds. A decision will be made after school on whether we can have the bon fire or not. If we do not have it tonight, we will save it for next week and/or playoffs! We want to be safe and will work with the TR VFD on the matter. Go Bulldogs!
Exciting Opportunity for our students next Tuesday, November 5th, 2024! See the flyer!
New welding booths installed in our Ag Shop! On schedule!
A view from up top overlooking Elementary recess...
See link to order Boys' Basketball Gear...
Happy for HOCO!!
We've got spirit, yes, we do!!!