QR Code for Upcoming Marching Contest...

Homecoming Week Activities!

Bulldog Athletics for a new and exciting week at school...HOMECOMING week!

The Three Rivers High School Mighty Bulldog Marching Band had a strong showing at the Robstown marching contest on Saturday afternoon. Here are the results:
1st Place in 2A Colorguard
2nd place Percussion
1st place overall class 2A-3rd year in a row
Another stellar performance, Band!

Mighty Bulldog Marching Band rev's it up in the stands!

Bulldog Game Day...at Shiner HS tonight! Go get 'em, Dawgs!

JV Bulldogs get the win against Shiner tonight 12-6! Great job guys!

Sub-Varsity Games are still on for this afternoon...

We are closely monitoring the weather forecast with a 100% chance of rain for the rest of the day for our area. Today's home sub varsity games against Shiner are still on as scheduled. We will have another update at lunchtime.

Three Rivers High School Marching Band plays at a high level for the band clinician this afternoon. Thank you Mr. Cason for coming down and critiquing our Band for contest season!

Sara Mia Stewart adds another accomplishment in her playing career. Sara Mia earned 500 Kills last night in the win over the Charlotte HS Lady Trojans!

We are most thankful for the rain!
Our art classroom and band hall flooded again at the Secondary campus this afternoon. Thank you Mr. Osborne, Mr. Petty,
Ms. Stephens, Mrs. Reyes, and Cameron G. for the clean-up!

Bulldog Athletics, Week of October 2nd...

Trista Boucher accomplishes an on court milestone in her high school volleyball career! Congratulations Trista!

Monday, October 2nd, is a Teacher Workday, so classes will not be in session that day. We will return to work with the students on Tuesday, October 3rd. As always, check Band or SportsU for any extracurricular practices or contests.

Three Rivers ISD students received a powerful message from guest motivational speaker, Mr. Keron Jackson yesterday. He also belted out a powerful rendition of the National Anthem before the football game! Thank you, Mr. Jackson for making the trip to Three Rivers! Picture below are several pics including Mr. Jackson, Pastor Jesse Hammonds and Haley Kopplin! The Three Rivers ISD Student Health Advisory Committee helped lead Mr. Jackson's visit to Three Rivers.

And these high school teachers won the Spirit Stick today at the afternoon pep rally!

Lady Bulldog Volleyball Action...

Big Game this evening at Furlow-Johanson Field...we expect a big crowd! Full concession stand put on by our Senior Class!

Sub-Varsity Games at Refugio High School this afternoon...